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Buckner Encourages Nominations of Local Educators for ‘Those Who Excel and Teacher of the Year’ Awards

Sep 29, 2023 | Buckner

CHICAGO – State Rep. Kam Buckner, D-Chicago, is encouraging the local community to show appreciation for gifted educators by nominating teachers and other school personnel for the Illinois State Board of Education’s 2024 ‘Those who Excel and Teacher of the Year’ awards.

“Great educators foster an interest in learning and provide support for thousands of kids over their careers, and those educators deserve recognition,” Buckner said. “Chicago is home to many committed people who spend their lives dedicated to education. ISBE’s awards are a great opportunity to show great teachers and support staff that we appreciate what they do.”

ISBE opens applications for the ‘Those Who Excel and Teacher of the Year’ awards every year to distinguish the incredible work of educators and support staff. Nominees are eligible if they fall under one of the following categories:

  • Teachers

  • Early career educators

  • Administrators

  • Student support personnel

  • Educational service personnel

  • Community volunteers and teams.

Anyone can nominate an outstanding educator for these awards, but those nominated must complete an application for consideration. Applications for these awards are due Oct. 15.  More information on the application process is available here.

“Illinois has committed hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to our schools and passed countless bills to bolster this state’s education system by training new teachers. That’s vital work, and it’s far from over,” Buckner said. “However, let’s not forget the simple things, like saying ‘thank you’. These awards are that ‘thank you.’”

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